
Blogging has been a regular part of my day since 2013, including creating blogs, writing posts, recruiting writers, and editing.

Blogging led to an opportunity to talk about girls and STEM with one of my daughters on NPR’s Tell Me More with Michel Martin.

I currently serve as a writer and editor for MAA MathValues and was responsible for recruiting a diverse team of bloggers.

Three Ways to Respect and Support your Introverted Colleagues
Why the World Needs more Math Outreach in Spanish
You’re Really Going to Ask Me That in an Interview? Part 1: Grad School Edition
You’re Really Going to Ask Me That in an Interview? Part 2: BIG Jobs Edition
VITAL Faculty: A Growing Workforce in Colleges and Universities
MAA Recommendations for COVID-19 Response
On Microaggressions, Kind Humor, and People Who Lift Your Spirits
Broadening Participation in the MAA Competitions Programs
Help! I need to teach my course online and I’ve never done this before!
MAA Math Ambassadors in a Global Mathematics Community

I was delighted to be invited by American Scientist editor Katie Burke to write these pieces:
5 Reasons to Teach Mathematical Modeling
Postdoc Mentorship can Launch Careers
Internships Connect Math Students to New Career Paths
and the full-length article Postdoc Mentorship can Launch Careers.

Lew Ludwig and I served as co-editors-in-chief of the MAA Teaching Tidbits blog, which introduced evidence-based teaching practices in the two years that the MAA Instructional Practices Guide was in development. These were our 5 most popular posts:

Grandma got STEM was my first blog. The point was to get people to stop saying explain that “so your grandmother can understand it” when they really mean someone unfamiliar with the topic. The blog went viral when it was featured on boingboing and Slate.

I also contributed to the blog Tenure She Wrote for two years. All contributions to this blog are made under pseudonyms.