
I am a founder of the BIG Math Network, an information source for mathematical scientists seeking BIG jobs. We share career stories, connect BIG employers with talent and help educators prepare their students for employment in BIG.

I joined MAA President Michael Dorff to share ideas about America’s Hottest Careers on NPR affiliate Michael Monk’s Cincinnati Edition.
BIG Jobs Guide Cover

Our first book, the BIG Jobs Guide is available through SIAM, AMS and Amazon. The Mathematical Association of America, the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics and the American Mathematical Society, through a generous donation from Philippe and Claire-Lise Tondeur, are collaborating to study BIG math careers and bring career resources to our members. The BIG Math Network helps coordinate these activities.

We have just launched a new interview card game that you can order through the AMS and SIAM bookstores! This game helps you navigate both legal and illegal interview questions and practice sharing your strengths.