
Mathematical Modeling from Kindergarten to Industry
This interactive presentation makes the argument that we can teach mathematical modeling (not just models) throughout a student’s education. It highlights ways that mathematical modeling can connect people with mathematics and inspire more mathematics engagement. This work is informed by research with Kindergarten teacher Robyn Stankiewicz-Van Der Zanden and mathematics education researcher Stacy Brown, my experience teaching modeling from 5th grade to graduate school, industrial mathematics experience, and work as a teacher educator.

Press Communication Workshops for Faculty and Administrators
I have developed press communication workshops with radio and podcast host Flora Lichtman. In these active workshops, participants learn to hone their stories, select communication modes and start building their press toolkits. This workshop has been presented at conferences for professional societies APS, SICB, SIAM, and for faculty at Rochester Institute of Technology. Check out @yenergy liveblogging our How to Talk about Math so People Want to Listen workshop for the MAA Science Policy Committee at AMS-MAA Joint Mathematics Meetings 2019.

Leadership Workshops for Department Chairs and Administrators
As Associate Dean for Faculty Development at Harvey Mudd College, I initiated Claremont Colleges Department Chair workshops which brought together new and experienced department chairs from the five undergraduate Claremont colleges to discuss case studies and build a support network that was sustained throughout the year at monthly breakfasts or teas. The materials have been adapted for use at other institutions.

For the Data Science Leadership Summit in 2020, I collaborated with David Uminsky to develop a workshop on how to pitch an idea to leadership in academia or industry. Our facilitators played the role of representatives of companies, sports teams, governmental agencies and upper administration in academia.

Adventures in Fluid Mechanics through Photography
This lecture for a general audience connects ideas from Algebra and Calculus to my fluid mechanics research through photographs taken by undergraduates in a course I co-taught with photographer Ken Fandell. The lecture includes potential for demonstrations and audience participation as well as a companion participatory maker session.